Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Something New, something old......sometimes in the world we have be bold enough while growing old. We can be happy or we can be sad. lest we forget that we should not judge a book by it's covers......and....that we should just take the time......take the time to open the book and read between the covers and discover that we all have wonderful life stories to tell and to share with others who care. Cause sometimes as we learn....life sometimes isn't fair. Things happen to good people that who really don't need any more pain to bear. So when you look at someone.....remember to lend a helping hand and a beautiful smile. For life's magical and we've all been given a gift. So let's not waste it......treat everyone the way you would like be treated. In the same spirit....check out "Crabby Old Man(Nick)" here: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/925858.aspx P.S. I LOVE YOU

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