Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Sunday* Please enjoy this funny message and youtube clip from my friend Nick's forum, you'll find yourself laughing your butt off so much.....just remember to smile when you see me again Kristi, Love. You deserve to laugh your butt off today, so get up love and click away to: How was your Thanksgiving ? (I should have asked you this yesterday, but I seemed to be shy around you as usual) But I do know how you feel when you're right next to me: sexy and sweet(smile) and safe like you know like the song "Up Where We Belong", I can see the two of us dancin'(let me see you move) to a "Higher Love" and when you give me that know....the one that always turns me on. And when you think I love you all I can......I'm gonna love you a little bit more. "Old Kristi-tree, Old Kristi-tree Where have you been laughing cool pretty lady?, Am I your king, or is it your beauty that makes me sing. red and green lights and silver bells ring. Like a guilding star,up in the sky, lead me on, lead me on my love. I believe in you, do you believe in love? I believe it.

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